My Mice

All of Popples Fancy Mice are handled every day, fed daily and pampered. I currently have four mice, three does and one buck. Here they are!
*More pics always on the way!*
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Suki is a small broken marked black satin doe with the sweetest personality.
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Twix is a large broken marked brindle doe with a big personality to fit her big body. 
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Amber is a young broken marked mock chocolate doe with a docile temperament.
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Blaze, a fat broken marked fawn buck with a gentle demeanor. 
Twix's bigger daughter, Mhina. She is sweet and adorable, and growing up so fast!
Peridot is also Twix's daughter. She almost has a dutch pattern, but her back spot is not full. She is so sweet, she can fall asleep in the palm of my hand.